The number one issue

Okay so for my second blog post I’d like to tackle an issue which causes much distress in Pakistan: The distribution and quality of “free” education. I’m talking about educating those who are underprivileged. The ones who can’t afford it all. We got people who have an insanely high capacity, yet cannot grasp it all. The talents of those people are wasted on the streets. The teachers teaching such classes are not paid very much/if at all like those who teach in other schools. Therefore, most of them don’t even enjoy the job and lack the want. They don’t want to teach kids, for instance. They feel like they have to. Those are the teachers who don’t get jobs anywhere else because of their “karen” behaviours and attitudes and as such end up in a school for the poor in order to pay the bills. I’m not saying all teachers in such schools are like that. In fact, some can be ever so kind. However, Ms.Trunchbulls are more common than Ms.Honeys (a reference from the movie “Matilda) and the government should consider making education a top priority.

One thing that should happen I would like to suggest is that Pakistan ask other countries for experts to help with this issue. They would look at it from an outsider’s point of view and have many ideas to offer.

Thanks for reading and please spread the word. XOXO, Political Pepsi

Thursday December 3rd 2020

Okay so, this is our welcome blog. We already got an “About us” page but this will tell you what we’re about. Let’s start spilling the pepsi of our overall content: We are a facts blog. We spill pepsi on Pakistan-related issues and sensitive topics. No, not the military. That topic has been covered by many activists and they all were found out and tortured/killed. There is even a law stating that if someone does or says anything media-wise which is offensive to the government, it can legally remove the material from the net and even stalk the person responsible without any court hearings. While I do agree that the military runs the place and holds great power in Pakistan, I would like to remind you that it is all caused by the insane amount of corruption. Yes, it is a fact. Pakistan is home to lots of corruption and denial of rights and freedoms. Now I can go on and on about how free speech is one thing not implemented in the government’s agenda, however that would only cause this blog post to be insanely lengthy and people have low attention levels. One thing I would mention though, is that it is a dangerous jump off a cliff to blog about anything against the current government and military. The intelligence officers WILL torture you immensely and threaten to kill you and your relatives if you ever come back to Pakistan before letting you go. Yes, I mean it. I myself am slowly edging towards that cliff, yet am not there yet. Y’all can enjoy some relatively safe controversy for the first few days of this blog’s existence. Anyways, I hope this sums up all the content we’ll be posting on here. Have a great day and wash your hands!

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